Emma, pictured here, has had weeks of preparation for the Big Day. On Saturday, she made her First Confession. Afterwards, I told her that after making her First Communion on Sunday she would be able to receive Holy Communion at every Mass which she attended. She though a bit, and then asked a very prescient question: "Even when I go to Scotland?" (Her family is Scottish, and they regularly go up to Scotland). I assured her that Scotland is also a part of the Catholic Church.
On the Sunday afternoon, we held our annual Blessed Sacrament Procession - inside the Church this year, as the weather was so dodgy. A nice turnout of traditional parishioners. We processed around the church until we came to the back of the church where we had a Benediction, after which we circled the church once again, ending at the sanctuary where we had a second Benediction. Emma, our First Communion girl, took pride of place in the procession. The singing was unaccompanied but very enthusiastic; the hymns were all the traditional Blessed Sacrament hymns. I meant to have some photos taken, but unfortunately forgot to ask anyone to do the job!