Now you don't....
Or rather it should be the other way around. Denis and his marra have uprooted the pampas grasses which obliterated the view of the garden and pond and made it look so much more open. The pond is also more securely netted against any further predations by Mr Heron.
And while I was taking this photo, I was under surveillance from an anxious dog in the window!
I feel that I should burst into song - "Whose is that doggy in the window, the one with the waggerly tail?
Happy New Year!
Hello Father, I think Storm, is thinking 'What have they done to my favourite Pampas Grasses' I could do with a couple of guys like that in my garden, took me around 2 weeks to dig out a pampas grass planted by all accounts in 1977 for the Queen's silver jubilee. The view is much better and i'm not sure that pampas grass is all its cracked up to be. In France i've seen them just pour petrol over them and set fire to them.(not allowed by law, but that has never stopped the French). Hope Mr Heron keeps his distance and fish enjoy a good 2014! Storm seems to have a certain confidence in his demeanor, as he's really in charge ! God Bless